bold, boundless & beautiful.
Kids are out of the nest and you feel your life has lost purpose?
You realize that all those years have left you and your partner with not much to talk about?
Circumstances have resulted in your marriage, your safe place in life, ending in a divorce and you are terrified by the thought?
You have been on multiple dating sites but the guys you meet end up being so different from who you need? You always date the wrong guys?
Your job does not give you the feeling of accomplishment it did before, or your division is being closed down, but you do not know what else to do?
You want to go back to school; start working on a book; training for a 10K race but you, an everywoman, are too old to learn; cannot write; are way out of shape for even walking? You feel you are too old, full stop, and your support system is completely not supportive either?
Your body is changing and you feel you do not know it anymore?
You are facing a pandemious blockage - a pandemia-induced major halt of any kind and you cannot find your way under your new circumstances?