my story.
Helping others has always been a part of my life. My intuitions and instincts have proved to be valuable for many women and men in their specific life events, with which I support anyone in need with pleasure and passion. I am thrilled to see them start taking steps towards their authentic new lives and knowing I have had a role in their happiness is my happiness. An avid runner, I encourage those seeking help to go out and start jogging, or at least walking. Since lacing up my Adidases the first time the year after my son was born, 2008, I religiously believe that running has the power to help clear vision, bright thinking and the formation of personality in a highly advantageous way.
I started coaching in the form of a business quite late in my life. I am one who chose to experience, see, understand and learn first, before getting accredited, continuously seeking the opportunities to perfect my comprehension of human feelings. Before coaching I spent close to three decades in the international corporate environment in supporting and leadership roles by filling positions highly reliant on the power of self-awareness, communication and psychology. I am fortunate to have had such roles in two cultures, in two countries on two continents, as a result of which, I believe, my understanding of human motives, emotions, interactions or reactions has been nourished from quite a wide palette of experience.
I was born and raised in Hungary. A tomboy, I lived most of my life not really fitting any mold; I was always the weird one, interested in walking my own path and choosing to go the extra mile for that subtle difference in the result. College degree, moving to the capital, fancy jobs at fancy firms, marriage; any and all fast successes that happen to young professionals in general happened to me, too. And then divorce, solo motherhood, solo bread winning followed. Hard learnings: multiple instances when I had to make tough, life impacting decisions on my own. All while fantasizing about so much more. Busy with life in the days, researching and learning in the nights, I spent months and months planning my next steps after a breaking point in 2019 that made me realize I needed a big change. Taking all the risks resulted in winning the main prize. Located in the U.S. today, I live my dream, ready to help you live yours, too.
I am a wife and mother; a hobby runner finding peace in the rhythm of the thuds of my feet on the road; a backyard gardener finding joy witnessing the seed becoming a fruit. A hobby chef loving authentic Italian and Hungarian meals, experimenting with Asian cuisine. My life is complete with our four cats and two hunting dogs we share our home with, all rescues. I am a dedicated courage coach; a fierce advocate of daring to say no to anything that is not for you; of showing vulnerability and having an honest approach for a fuller, freer, more fulfilling life. A full-time transformation guide for midlife women and men and a true believer of the emotional benefits of a good run harnessed for becoming the human you were born to be.
Bold, boundless and beautiful.
my beliefs.
I believe honesty is power.
I believe vulnerability is bravery.
I believe bravery is strength.
I believe you can be who you want to be.
I believe you can live the life you want to live.
I believe the first step to those is honesty to self.
I believe it is time for you to to start living your honest and brave life.
my mission.
As a courage coach I focus on the midlife phase with all the challenges of transitioning at work, home and in mind and body, by helping dissolve the angst of transformation and adaptation to the unknown. My purpose is to enhance midlife humans by showing them how vulnerability and honesty are their allies in achieving their dreams. I help them figure out who they are in their core, set goals based on their dreams, and get there, whatever it is they put your mind to. I approach clients with candidness, empathy and utmost respect, understanding the fragility behind each singe hard situation.
my values.
Challenge. Essential for growth. Be bold, do not fear it; who does not dare will not win.
Optimism. Key. Every situation has a solution. We will find the one to yours.
Unique. You. Your feelings and your difficulties. Treated as such.
Risk. Unavoidable. Makes the outcome more precious.
Awareness. Of self, environment, reality and options.
Genuine. Honest. Transparent. Beautiful.
Embrace. Enjoy. You have worked hard for it. Your boundless new life.